In collaboration with the non-profit EYEST, B-PHOT offers a wide range of inspiring activities based on the innovative character of photonics. We have special photonics activities for young minds, students, schools, science teachers and fab labs, as well as general activities for anybody interested in this key-enabling technology.
2023 was a great year for STEM activities. Now that we could leave the Covid-era behind us, it became a little more practical and fun to organize activities about science and technology. The Groeituin project, in which the young people successfully completed challenges around the themes of water, food and life on land, was successfully completed. 20 young people, over the age of 14, started building a tiny house in the follow-up project, Groeihuis. The interdisciplinary science show in collaboration with the faculty attracted more than 1000 young people to the
VUB campus in Etterbeek.
The STEAM Academy is gradually taking shape. The preparations have been made and the plans approved. The foundation stone is scheduled to be laid in 2024. Plans were made for a new EU project, 360 CARLA. In this project we will connect young and aspiring engineering students with industry leaders in specific topics of Photonics. This event will offer them valuable input for their further career! And the development of a brand new educational package on quantum physics was started. Hopefully we will be able to tell you much more about that in 2024!